Thursday, February 2, 2012

Fractured leg

Here is another trip down memory lane.  I figure a good place to start on memory lane is the stories my girls love to hear so this one is about you, Bumpkin, and the day you fractured your leg. 

Yourself, Troublemaker, and I went to a park next to our house on Mother's Day.  Daddy was overseas and instead of dealing with two small children by myself at church on Mother's Day I decided to do a low-key fun day.  We were having a great time at the park and had gone down the slides multiple times.  The last time I put you on my lap and then Troublemaker on top of you.  We started down the slide like we had a million times beforewhen your leg fell off my lap and bent back between my leg and the slide.  After a couple minutes of cuddling I told you to "walk it off" and continued to play with Troublemaker.  After attempted to limp it off you made it about two steps before collapsing and crying again.  I honestly thought you were just being your normal drama queen self and put you in the stroller to "get over yourself" and continued to play with Troublemaker for a couple more minutes. 

Eventually, I got the message and took you home.  When you continued to whimper the whole way home and after I put you in front of the TV with Dora, I knew something was wrong.  However, I looked and looked at your ankle and couldn't find anything wrong.  So we called grandma and grandpa at church (continuously until they answered) and they came to our house to check you over as well.  They couldn't find anything wrong either but you had been crying for approximately two hours by that time so we decided it was time to take you to the E.R.  After 20 nurses and doctors interrogating questioning me on how you got hurt they finally found a small fracture between your ankle and knee. 

My favoriate part of the story is while we were waiting for the doctor to put something on your leg.  Nobody had mentioned that it was Mother's Day, in fact that piece of information had completely slip my mind at this point.  But you didn't forgot.  You were sitting on my lap and you turned to me, put you hands on my checks, and said "Happy Mother's Day Mama".  I instantly teared up.  It certainly made for a wonderful Mother's Day.... if you block out the hours before.  Finally, the doctor put you in a removable cast and we were able to go home (without a visit from child services). 

Bumpkin, you wouldn't even move in your cast at first but after a few days you learned how to do a modified army crawl and became pretty mobile.  The first week after the accident you hung out with Nana because your daycare wasn't sure how to care for you.  Once they they learned how well you were doing and that you were not in a full cast, they decided they would be able to care for you.  On the first day you want back I was picking you up and they told me you had figured out a way to climb the slide steps with your cast and had actually gone down the slide again already.  Of course, you never let me know that.  For the next year or so you were scared and unsure around a slide when I was watching, but you were fine when you didn't know it could get back to me. 

A few weeks later Daddy came back from overseas and was the first one to sign your leg. 

And since I was able to find the pictures and I am afraid I will never find them again, here is a comparison picture of the day Daddy left and the day he got home. 

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