Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Six months

Mimi recently turned six months so I wanted to share with you what is going on in her life.  She is the cutest, sweetest baby.  I believe I have said this before; I've never had a bad baby but Mimi is taking the prize on the easiest.  She loves to watch the other kids and as long as there is something to watch she doesn't care about getting individual attention.  She is sitting up now.  I'm not really sure when it happened... I just sat her up one day and she didn't fall down.  She has been sitting ever since. 

Her favorite "toy" is mama's cell phone, but if she had to pick one that was actually purchased in the toy aisle it would be her cowgirl or butterfly.  She absolutely love to chew on cups.  It makes it challenging for whoever is holding her to keep their drink away from her but she loves to chew on the edge of the cup.  I think it might be the coldness on her gums... not really sure. 

She just recently began actually liking food.  I've been trying to give her food for about a month now but she finally figured out how to get her tongue out of the way.  For the past three nights she has devoured applesauce and pears.  I'm going to have to retry the sweetpeas and bananas as she didn't eat those last time I tried. 

She is getting booted from our room for the first time tonight.  The other two girls were already in their own rooms but since we didn't have another bedroom she has been staying with us.  Then when we moved to the new house I just figured it was working so why not keep her.  Wrong!  She has been waking up in the middle of the night wanting to cuddle.  I don't think she is really hungry.... she just knows mama is there and not holding her.  She loves to be wrapped up and cuddled.  So tonight marks the first night of being in her own room. 

She has developed a deep interest in Loki.  She stares at him every time he walks in the room and will start laughing if he gets close enough to her.  She doesn't reach for him much; she is just content with seeing him.  She also loves looking at other babies.  She has met a couple now and thinks they are great.  She has even discovered herself in the mirror.  She thinks it is a different baby but loves laughing and reaching for herself. 

She has moved to the "big girl" carseat.  That happened just today.  I'm not sure who liked that more; her or her sisters.  They are able to see her better now and talk to her while we are driving. 

I can't believe how much my baby is growing but I am so glad I get to enjoy every minute of it.  Daddy says she is more spoiled than the other girls were but I am loving the opportunity to "spoil" her with my attention. 

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