Monday, September 3, 2012

Mimi's 1st birthday!

I can't believe it Mimi but you are a year old already.  I have heard it for years but it wasn't until I was a parent I realized its true meaning; time really does fly.  And it seems like it gets quick and quicker the older I get.  In just a few short months you have gone from my sweet sleeping baby to walking at 10 months and choosing a bottle over most foods but loving sweets.  You have learned how to throw temper tantrums when I take away toys and loving being around your sisters.  You are a sweet baby girl with dimples on both cheeks and pigtails in your hair. 
 Your birthday party was ladybug themed.  We invited all your baby friends and their families.  But first we had to get ready for your party.  And in true mommy fashion I wanted until the last minute to start getting ready but didn't want to take anything off the agenda.  So in swopped Nana and Aunt H.  We stayed up much later then we should but the food was delish and cute!  While I focused on the cake, Nana helped me make the ladybug pretzels and toad stolls and Aunt H worked on some of the decorations.  Yes it did take much longer to make the ladybug pretzels then it took to eat then.  And yes it was fun to watch Nana wrestle with the marshmellows for the toad stolls.  Troublemaker had decided to punch their bag so they were all stuck together.  :) 



The next morning we got up, finished the cake, decorated, and waited for the guests. 

Here is what the dessert table looked like. 

The birthday girl waking from her nap to find all her guest.  

The big kids went downstairs on the craft table and decorated their goodie bags. 

The birthday girl finally woke up so we started the party with treat and games. 

Then it was cake time!  I purposely didn't do anything fancy to Mimi's smash cake because of her food issues.  I knew there was no chance of her smashing into it if I did too much so it was just cake and icing. She was actually a little scared and confused while we sang to her. 
Daddy trying to get her interested in the cake!  

Her initial impression.....

Mommy catching the cake when she tried to push it to the floor.....

Giving it another chance.....

Finally getting into it....
Marshmellow races will the birthday girl is cleaned up

And the birthday girl thinking she is old enough for the jeep.  haha

Happy birthday Mimi!  Mommy looks forward to many more celebrations!  

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