Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Summer in January

It has been unseasonably nice this year so we have been taking advantage of it as much as possible.  It is crazy when you only have to wear jackets, sometimes not even that, outside in January!  So it was the perfect year for the girls to get scotters for Christmas.  Normally they would have to wait months to use them but the scotters have already gotten used quite a bit.  We have also been hitting up the parks when we can.  A great time to go to the park for us is after we pick Bumpkin up from school.  We have one park that we love going to because it has the normal playgroup area, then it also has a rocker that they can all sit on at the same time, a large slide that serves as a tower, and swings. 

I love watching the kids play.  I know every kid has an imagination but I love watching their imaginations at work.  Sometimes at home our imagination can get distracted with all the "it's mine" and "she isn't sharing" arguments but at the park that doesn't seem to happen.  So I can just sit back and watch them play.  First they play princess locked in the tower,

then they escape to the boat and the chase is on.

It has also been crazy that there hasn't been any snow yet so we can still play in the leaves.  They call it a "leaf party" when they jump in the leaves and throw them at each other. 

It took some good negotiation skills but I was able to get Bumpkin and Troublemaker to slow down long enough to get these cute pics.

We hope you all are having a wonderfully nice January too! 

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