Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Troublemaker and her gymnastics


I knew what sport you would like from the moment you got your wheels.  I don't particularly remember having much trouble when you started crawling but once you started walking it was nonstop.  Daddy was going overseas at the end of Jan 2009 so I thought you would give me a little time to learn how to be a single parent before you started walking.  You, on the otherhand, had different ideas and wanted to show Daddy you could walk before he left because you started walking right around the end of Dec/beginning of Jan.  And once you started you never stopped.  By the time Daddy left you were walking everywhere and I swear you had already figured out how to climb on things.  I don't really remember the first time I called you Troublemaker, but it stuck.  Nowadays you aren't too keen on the nickname; you want me to call you Hunny Bunny because you think Troublemaker means that I think you are a naughty girl.  But really, you are my Troublemaker because I always need to keep an extra eye on you.  You aren't scared of getting hurt/trying something new.  You are the sweetest little girl, and a mama's girl, but you are willing to try just about anything that looks fun.  And that is why you are my Troublemaker. 

Your personality explains your sport of choice.  You love gymnastics.  Bumpkin loves anything revolving around dance and drama but you only care for gymnastics.  Right now your lessons are on friday's and you start wearing your leotards on Wednesdays.  You practice your moves at home all the time and have the best cartwheel I have ever seen from a three year old (ok you turned four since I started writing this post).  Now you have started working on handstands. 

I recently found some lost footage of you at your first gymnastics class in North Carolina.  I thought your daddy was crazy when he signed up a two year old for gymnastics but you took to it like I never would have imagined.  I can't wait to see how much you learn!

And here is another one from when we first moved here. 

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