Monday, March 26, 2012

Grandparents Day/Easter Hunt

Grandma and Grandpa decided to surprise Bumpkin and came to visit for Grandparents Day at her school.  I had already told her they wouldn't be able to come because they both work and live out of town and she had taken that pretty well.  But I didn't know that grandma had the day off of school and they would be able to come!  So they surprised her and from what I hear it was a good surprise!  The stories I have heard say that she stared at Grandma when she appeared in the doorway but didn't move.... then when Grandpa came into view she came barreling their way.  Sounds about right to me! 

We did a lot of hanging out that weekend, most of which was not captured on camera.  However, grandpa gave his first official horse ride to three girls.... I think he is running out of room! 

On Sunday the base had an Easter Egg Hunt/Party.  It was a bit windy out this year (last year it was so hot the candy inside the eggs melted before we could eat it) but the girls enjoyed it still. 

They split the kids into age groups and then walked us around the "course" so everyone had a fair start.  On your marks, get set, go! 

And they are off! 

(Mommy might have pointed out to the girls that if they ran to the back of the course everyone else would stop at the front and they could get more eggs.... she might have. Atleast I think that is why they are running by all the eggs at their feet....)

We ran into our friend A at the Easter Egg Hunt too!  

After all the eggs were found we moved indoors where they had face painting, balloon making, and a coloring contest.  Bumpkin was determined to win the coloring contest.  She kept chanting "I'm going to win" while she was coloring.  But when the time came Troublemaker took her age groups top prize and Bumpkin came up short.  Troublemaker was so shy about it all that I had to carry her up to pick her prize and she had her head burried in my shoulder.  I almost had to pick her prize too but luckily she came out of it in time.  Here she is holding her winning picture the next day.... you can see she isn't at all shy at home.... : )

And the prize she picked up.  No surprise it is a puzzle! 

Notice the leg posed too! 

We also got some picture of the kids and the Easter Bunny and the Coyote.  Ms. Bumpkin has a thing with people who are dressed up in costume.  She knows they aren't real but doesn't want to go close to them anyway.  Or so we thought!  Her teacher told me that when they had the Happy Bear come to school she sat in the front row and was the first to give him a high five.  But when she say the Easter Bunny she hid again.  Such a drama lady!  When we ignored her and told her we knew about the Happy Bear she went up to both the bunny and the coyote. 

And finally, a pic of the lovely Mimi in her daddy's hat. 

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