Thursday, December 22, 2011

Gingerbread Party

A few weeks ago at MOPS Pastor Casey came and talked about the real meaning of Christmas.  He asked us to think about Christmas when we were children.  He started talking about all the memories he had and it quickly became obvious that he was talking about traditions not presents.  So, I sat there thinking in MOPS that I really didn't remember any presents I received as a child either.  Sure there is one Christmas that I remember getting what I really wanted but I think the memory is so vivid for me because of the unusual way I got the present, not because of what the present was.  (I was in a musical at church and my character unwrapped a present.  It was supposed to be my stuffed animal Growlie but when I got it unwrapped it was really the Magic Nursery doll I had been wanting.)  Really, I think I would have to think hard to remember what presents I received.  But I do remember the traditions.  The "routines" we had about whose house we went to on what nights. 

Our family can't have the same traditions and routine though.  Partly because we are a different family, partly because we have family in different parts of the country, and partly because of the job your daddy does.  We will never be able to say we are going to have family movie night where we watch Home Alone on Christmas Eve.  We will never be able to say we always go to grandma's for lunch on Christmas Day.  It will change every year for us.  So when Pastor Casey started talking about traditions I was determined to set a tradition that we could keep.  One that didn't matter when we did it, as long as we did it.  Then I remembered an article I had read recently about a gingerbread house decorating party.  I decided to go for it.  Even if it was only ten days away and I would barely have time to make the houses, let alone decorate the house.  I hope to make this a tradition with family and friends, but for this first year I just invited our little kid friends. 

I made the houses from scratch.  They really weren't that hard to make.  Next time I just need to remember that it goes in shifts.  The dough has to sit in the fridge for awhile and I didn't realize that until I was already making them.  So I was a little rushed this year but I will know for next year.  Rolling them out, cutting them, and assembling them really wasn't that bad. 

You guys were so excited.  It took forever for the party to start.  You guys kept trying to play with the houses and put your little toy Care Bears in the houses I was afraid they were going to be broken before the party even started. 

But the houses made it and I convinced you guys to help me clean and decorate the house. 

Finally, the guest started arriving and the party got started.  We had a wide selection of candy and I set up a hot chocolate bar (which I forgot to get a picture of).  Here are some pictures of the houses you and your friends decorated. 

In the years to come I hope to make this a fun family tradition with the whole family.  Maybe add in a contest when you are older.  Maybe even invite your college friends home with you to join in the fun.  Since we didn't have the room this year though it was just the kids and their mommies.  Here is a great picture of some good friends that attended. 

I hope you girls had a good time.  I look forward to making this a tradition!

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