Friday, January 4, 2013


Quite frequently the girls ask to cuddle while trying to fall asleep. Then after we cuddle they ask again. It has become a regular thing to tell them that if they are quiet for five minutes we will come back and cuddle again. Well that happened last night and like usual the girls feel asleep so we didn't cuddle again. But Troublemaker woke up around 3:30 and started screaming for me. I went in there and she called me out for not cuddling earlier. I told her I came in to cuddle but she was asleep. She thought for a minute and replied, "In Sophie the 1st her mom says that once a promise is broken it can't be glued back together".

Lesson learned.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty epic! I can't believe she knew that you didn't come back.
