Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Baby Beluga

We call Mimi Baby Beluga right now. She will still be Mimi on here because I am sure one day she will not allow us to call her a whale anymore but I love the nickname. We have a song that goes with it and everything. She will dance along and it is great fun.

But Baby Beluga won't really be a baby much longer. She is starting to mimic words we say and follow directions.... When she so chooses that is. One of her most recent things that makes me laugh every time I think about it is bed/naptime during Christmas break. I had never had a problem getting her to lay down before but she was fighting me and screaming for a LONG time. It took about three days it figure out it was her big sisters being home and not having to take a nap that was her issue. She could hear them and thought it was unfair. Finally, on the forth day I made her sisters go to their room and she kissed them goodnight like she does at bedtime. She then went into her room and laid down with little fuss. Silly baby beluga! So now, the big girls and I read a book during naptime each day until she is asleep. Makes me a tad worried if she already has issues being left out.

She is also practicing dressing/undressing herself. Playing the leapster and iPad. And doing gymnastics and dance moves with her big sisters.

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