Friday, November 2, 2012

Bumpkin's Halloween Birthday Prep Work

We have had Bumpkin's next birthday theme planned since the day after Halloween.  She was never into Halloween until last year (2011) so when she mentioned she wanted a Halloween birthday I jumped on it.  Now, I have to admit, I had always wanted to have a Halloween party as a kid, so I was maybe *a little* too "on board".  I bought a bunch of different Halloween-y type items last year and stored.  I also started pinning things (if you read this twenty years from now and have no idea what that means I am referring to pinterest---- look it up) right away.  So I had a year to come up with ideas that really aren't that hard to come up with.  There is no lack of Halloween ideas and I liked them all.  To say the least, I went a little bit crazier than I usually do with parties.

As you can see below, there was a lot of prep work.  I started months in advance and never would have been able to get everything done without the multiple family members that dealt with my craziness. 

Thanks for all your help everyone!  It couldn't have been so great without you!  Pictures of the actual party still to come. 

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