Monday, October 22, 2012

Catching Up

So I have been ignoring this blog recently but you will see why very soon.  Aside from the "normal" hustle and bustle of life, I got myself in over my head in Bumpkin's birthday celebration.  I have to admit, I get myself in over my head quite frequently but I am still learning how to bail myself out.  Even though I have been out of their house for a while now I am very used to turning to my parents when I need bailed out.  This, once again, was no exception.  I really need to start limiting my obligations, projects, house duties, and extras so as not to need bailed out as frequently.  I guess that is one of my learning points.

In the meantime however, I would love to share some random pictures we have taken recently.  Enjoy!

These first two are from a hot air balloon festival we have here locally.  Unfortunately it was too windy for the hot air balloons to go up the day we went but we did still get to join in some of the festivities.  Hopefully we can attend next year and see the balloons.  I never knew they were so big! 

This next one is visiting daddy at work.  I just love how they are walking hand-in-hand.  Melts my heart.  

Mimi cheesing it up for daddy. 
Oh no!  Look who learned how to climb!  This isn't even bad.  She has been on the top of the dining room table dancing on multiple occassions.  I don't want to take a picture of her doing that because I would likely laugh and then she would do it again. 

I'm not sure what her issue with helmets is.  She is constantly asking to have them on then pulling them off.  

Going to school like the big girls.  She was walking around the house like she was hot stuff!  

Sisterly love with big girls helping Mimi. 

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