Monday, July 9, 2012

Catching up

Ok, so I am a little behind but to be honest it has taken me longer to "get behind" than I ever thought it would.  So even though some of these pictures are from a few weeks ago, I'm doing good.  :)  And honestly, I have some pictures on my phone that are from even longer ago but I will get around to dumping sometime..... I just have to send them to daddy's phone, save them on daddy's phone, which then puts them on Icloud, then email then to myself because for some reason my Ipad won't upload pictures to blogger, then save them to the computer, then post them on the computer.  Easy right?  Well it should be a little easier I would think! 
But on to the pictures I do have ready to go....

We went bowling for the first time last week.  After a couple tries Bumpkin took to it pretty well.  She even got a couple spares and strikes, I was impressed.  Troublemaker had more fun being silly but what is to be expected.  She would just chuck the ball down the lane but then she realized that if she hit the bumpers just right they would fall down.  Then they fell down multiple times....

We also went to a music festival here in town.  It was a Bluegrass festival.  It was fun but I was surprised it isn't bigger than it is.  The city should really work on it because it has great potential.  It is at a local historic site that also had some places for the kids to explore.  Here is Troublemaker being herself. 

Bumpkin got her hair cut last week too.  I took her in and told the lady that I didn't know what to do.  We settled on layering it and making it a little shorter.  When it dried it just started to bounce up. 

On July 4th we had a fun family activity day.  Well sort of family day; we did spend a good portion of the day with our favorite neighbors.  In the afternoon we went to water park and had a blast.  We even got the girls to go down the big waterslide for the first time ever.  It was one where we could go as a group so it wasn't as scary for the kids.  Then obviously during the evening we had fireworks.  It has like nothing I have ever seen in our neighborhood.  I tried multiple times to get a good picture/video of the activities but it didn't work.  However, I did get a couple semi-decent picture of setting off a lantern (which after it sinking multiple times I really think they should be illegal....)

And finally, proof that we have been having a fun and active summer.  Something I should be doing right now.  Troublemaker got up to go to the bathroom at about 10 one night.  She walked out of the bathroom, layed on the chair, and fell right back to sleep.  I'm not sure she ever really woke up. 

In this picture I was reading to the girls and the phone rang so I went to answer it.  I was gone about 30 seconds and came back to them both passed out.  It was 4:30! 

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