Monday, January 23, 2012

Eating time

My dear Mimi,

You aren't sleeping the way you used to and it is getting to me.  You slept through the night the first night I brought you home from the hospital.  Really you would have slept the first night at the hospital if the crazy nurse wouldn't have insisted your 9 lb self was "hungry" when you were soundly sleeping.  But I digress on that matter.  The point is you have started waking more and more during the night and I think it is about time mommy stops being selfish and starts in with the "food".  I really wanted to hold off until you were 6 months but I have no reason other than I wanted some more time with just you and me.  Both your sisters started rice at 4 months, and that was fine, but I could be selfish with you because you really don't like that bottle.  So, after a couple nights of getting up multiple times with you I decided it was time.  You got your first taste of rice this morning. 

Your first couple of bites you attacked the spoon and nothing came back out of your mouth but then Miss Troublemaker got involved. : )  She decided to plant herself right in front of you to "watch" which lead to many distractions with kisses, barbies, and tickles.  I love how much she loves you (especially when I thought she would have jealousy issues) but I think I will try to feed you next time without her "help".  By the fifth or sixth bite you were now completely interested in your sister and had lost all interest in the food.  We will try again later. 



P.S. Thank you for the bowl of milky cereal in my lap!  It was just what I needed on the one pair of jeans that fit.  : ) 

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